NEC UNIVERGE ST500 For iPhones Softphone Ringing

NEC UNIVERGE ST500 For iPhones Softphone Ringing
Contact Details Remind Me Decline the Call Answer as an Audio Call

Contact Details

Provides the contacts name, company, job title and phone number.

If any of the details are not available they will be blank.

Remind Me

Tap to decline the call but set a reminder for you to call the person back.

Decline the Call

Tap to decline the call.

If the other party is calling you from an NEC phone, when you decline the call they will continue to hear ringing until the call is diverted to voicemail.

Answer as an Audio Call

Tap to answer the call.

If the incoming call is an audio call you will go to the normal call screen.

If it is a video call it will go to the video screen.