NEC UNIVERGE ST500 For iPhones Softphone History Details

NEC UNIVERGE ST500 For iPhones Softphone History Details
Status Contact Details Edit History Details Delete Call History Details Contacts Photo Voice Call Back Video Call Back Call History Details


The ST500 gives you instant feedback as to its status. The icon will change based on what the application is doing.

GT890-READY icon


The ST500 is connected to the phone system and is ready to make and receive calls.

GT890-TALKING icon


You are currently on a call.

GT890-ONHOLD icon

On Hold

You currently have a caller on hold.



The ST500 is trying to connect to your phone system. If it takes more than a few minutes to connect, you should talk to your system administrator to diagnose why.
GT890-ERROR icon


There is an issue with the ST500s configuration. Contact your system administrator.

Contact Details

Provides the contacts name, company, job title and phone number.

If any of the details are not available they will be blank.

Edit History Details

Tap to edit the contact in your phones default contact management application.

If the call is from someone that is not in your contact list, then a new contact will be created.

Delete Call History Details

Allows you delete the call history information.

Contacts Photo

The photo of the contact (from your phones phone book).

If no photo is available a default photo will be shown.

Voice Call Back

Tap the phone icon to call the selected person back (on the number shown).

  • Tap on the icon to call the person back.
  • Tap and hold the icon to make a hands-free call.

Video Call Back

Tap to call the person back as a video call.

Call History Details

The call history screen will show you details of all calls with this number.

It shows the date and time of the call, the status and if it was a successful call the duration of the call.

The status will be one of the following;

  • Outgoing Call
  • Incoming Call
  • Missed Call

Delete a single entry

  • Tap and hold a line to delete it. The application will prompt you before deleting.