The NBN and your Business

As a business what can you expect from the NBN? When the NBN is rolled out in your area, you can expect a more consistent internet connection. With the replacement of the 100 year old copper network to a brand new fibre connection the lines are less likely to suffer from corrosion and are built…

RIP Server

It’s time to breath the air of cloud connection! A very interesting article hit my desk this morning, it is by Peter Coffee – VP for strategic research at I thought is would be worth sharing. The highlights are as follows: Sometimes, it’s hard to tell when a novelty becomes a trend or a trend becomes the…

Why are Backups important?

Computers fill our life and our work.  They faithfully accumulate our pictures, our company’s books, and the ceaseless emails we get and send.  But, unless you back it up, all that data can be gone like a flash of lightning. Here is some information that will help you understand the risks and solutions. Backup Program…