Is it really Telstra calling?

This week, Telstra is launching its largest marketing campaign dedicated to raising community awareness about telemarketers who attempt to mislead customers, and scammers who attempt to obtain customers’ personal information via the telephone. The centrepiece of the campaign is an information flyer entitled, ‘Is it really Telstra calling?’ Between now and Christmas, the flyer will…

The iPhone 6 is here

The Apple iPhone is back “bigger than bigger”. Upon its release on September 19, the public has been captivated by the two varying models available, the iPhone 6 & 6 plus. Apple has aimed for more durability in their eighth generation iPhone with both models sporting a more rounded body and smooth metallic edges. They…

A timely warning from The Teltech Team

Recently, we were contacted by one of our customers, a fairly normal business in suburban Melbourne. They requested IT assistance for an issue they were having across their network. Nothing out of the ordinary it seemed to us, we were onto it straight away. We immediately discovered that a very serious virus had corrupted their…

What Is Office 365?

What is Office 365? Office 365 is a subscription based online office which provides a number of products and services that you can tailor to your organisation. As Office 365 is powered by the Cloud, you can access your Microsoft Web Apps and files from anywhere and depending on your plan, you also get the…

The Cloud and You

Information at risk The internet has become more important to everyday life than ever before. Information is becoming increasingly important and to simply store files on a local hard drive, or even on a removable disk is starting to show gaps in information security. Current Backup Services There are now a number of cloud services…

Samsung Galaxy S5 VS HTC One M8

Decisions, Decisions As many of you aware there are two new flagship phones being released by the two major players in the android market. One is the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the other the HTC One M8. So you are wondering, which one do I get? What we have decided to do is stay true…