The Cloud and You

Information at risk The internet has become more important to everyday life than ever before. Information is becoming increasingly important and to simply store files on a local hard drive, or even on a removable disk is starting to show gaps in information security. Current Backup Services There are now a number of cloud services…

Samsung Galaxy S5 VS HTC One M8

Decisions, Decisions As many of you aware there are two new flagship phones being released by the two major players in the android market. One is the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the other the HTC One M8. So you are wondering, which one do I get? What we have decided to do is stay true…

RIP Server

It’s time to breath the air of cloud connection! A very interesting article hit my desk this morning, it is by Peter Coffee – VP for strategic research at I thought is would be worth sharing. The highlights are as follows: Sometimes, it’s hard to tell when a novelty becomes a trend or a trend becomes the…

Office for the iPad is finally here

On Thursday at a San Francisco event hosted by new chief executive Satya Nadella, Microsoft officially announced that it is releasing its popular Office suite for the iPad. He said the iPad Office move is part of Microsoft’s new era of innovation, which will focus on bringing PC-level computing to all devices, no matter who makes…

Safety and Security in Schools

SAFETY IN OUR SCHOOLS Nothing is more important than keeping our students safe and secure in our schools. Whether there is a real or suspected threat to student safety, clear and effective communication plans are vital. HOW CAN TELTECH ICT HELP? In partnership with NEC, Teltech has developed a solution strategy that enables schools of…

Safety and Security in Schools

SAFETY IN OUR SCHOOLS Nothing is more important than keeping our students safe and secure in our schools. Whether there is a real or suspected threat to student safety, clear and effective communication plans are vital. HOW CAN TELTECH ICT HELP? In partnership with NEC, Teltech has developed a solution strategy that enables schools of…